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Parenting at 17,000 feet

Parenting at 17,000 feet

(Greg) Sometimes, as parents, it is hard to know when to push a kid out of his comfort zone and when to back off.  This trip throws comfort zone challenges at us almost everyday. Some are spectacular; like jumping into a gorge in Zimbabwe, watching predators violently rip apart prey, or walking into cold black […]

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The Climb

The Climb

(Emma) Dad comes in to wake me up at 4:48am. I roll out of bed and go stand in a line. It is only Mom, Dad and me; the other three choose to sleep late. Out of the hotel, we see nothing. There is no line, so we start one. At 5:06, the next person […]

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Living High in the Andes

Living High in the Andes

(Emma) I was not too excited about driving to Patakancha village. It was a remote, small village up a rocky, windy road to 14,000 feet high in the Andes mountains. When we arrived in our big, bulky-looking van, a group of 10-year old boys came running to us. When they receded, a group of 12-15 […]

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Machu Picchu, City of Wonder

Machu Picchu, City of Wonder

(Reis) As we stepped into the range of sight of this city in ruins, I believe all of our jaws dropped simultaneously. There, in front of us, was the majestic Lost City of the Incas. I felt like a king on his throne, with a leopard (or llama!) skin throw rug below me. A very […]

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Seeing What Darwin Saw

Seeing What Darwin Saw

(Reis) Today, on the island of Cerro Dragon in the Galapagos Archipelago, our great guides told us how the small changes in DNA and genes can make the reptiles, plants, mammals and insects adapt to fit the environment in which they are living. The key to adaptation is TIME. For a species to adapt to […]

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Sea Lion Snorkeling

Sea Lion Snorkeling

(Alex) When you think of the Galapagos, you think of: warm, Equatorial, Darwin, giant tortoises, blue footed boobies and blue water. Like a perfect dream land. Well, it’s not. At least not the month that we were here. Mornings are cloudy, windy and overcast. Luckily it clears in the afternoon to blue skies, sun and […]

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