Whale and…bread

(Emma) Today, during our first dinner of our trip I had something that had a well….. different taste. It was so different that you might even be able to consider it a FUNKY FOOD!

We were at SAE GREIFINN. It was a sea food restaurant; and so we ordered sea food. One was minke whale! So we sat down and ate. As the food kept on disappearing the only food that stayed the same was the minke whale. That came as no surprise to me but then my Dad asked if anyone wanted a bite. Some people might call this a bribe but it worked for me! He said that whoever had a bite would get to write the first post on FUNKY FOODS. And so I got the courage to try the whale and now here I am. Writing this post. And to tell you the truth it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be! But as Reis said, “it tastes just like it smells.”

Here’s a funny video of the dinner:

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