Swimming in the Fireswamp

(Dana) The Hveragerdi Valley was almost the Lord of the Rings set. Soaring verdant, volcanic slopes; craggy outcroppings; rushing river down the valley. If only the weather didn’t change every 30 minutes, it would have gotten the nod for the films. Fortunately, misting rain didn’t bother the 6 Explorers as we hiked 6 km round-trip. Filled our water bottles from a cool, clear stream. Then found ourselves hiking past a silver-blue roiling pool of water and a bubbling cauldron of thick, grey mud (Shrek’s bath tub?). Past a scree-filled slope that sounded like it would spew rocks any second. And the smell– rotten eggs — everywhere. Our destination: a 96-degree natural pool above a small waterfall in the river. Full of algae and rocks, but 30-minutes of relaxation. Here is a picture and a cool video:

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