Wild Horses

(Alexandra) Today we went Icelandic Horse Back-Riding!! I was really excited to finally get on the PONY. We had seen many little ponies and horses running around throughout the five days in Iceland and we were all really excited about it! When we got to the farm, we got our horses.

Finally we got onto the trails around the farm, we started out with a nice slow walk, that was the beginning of this long and exciting adventure. After the slow walk, we got into a trot. We went through a couple of ponds and streams. Finally we got to do the thing I was most looking forward to: FULL ON RUNNING!! I later learned that even though it is very fun during the run, it is EXTREMELY hard to a) stay on the horse), b) hard to get my horse running and c) not to have your butt really sore.

All in all, the pony rides were my favorite part about the day because everything about them was so enjoyable, especially bouncing up and down!

If you want to know, here are the names of each of our pony’s names (Icelandic and Translated)

Alex (me): Dama- Lady

Emma: Demba- Heavy Rain

Andrew: Litla Blesa- Little Blaze

Reis: Litla Saeta- Little Cutie

Dana: Taktur- Rhythm

Greg: Loftur- the name of a sorcerer

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