(Greg) In a single morning in Botswana I was reminded of how different human lives can be, first by five San Bushmen and second by an old man in a little village called Gweta. The Bushmen wandered Southern Africa long before all the tribes came down from the North. They are the nomadic hunters and […]
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(Dana) For a type-A, overscheduled, overachieving mom like me, Africa has been the perfect antidote. Wide open spaces like Namibia and the Makgadkgadi salt pan with no other humans or vehicles for 100km or more. Hours-long drives too bumpy for reading with nothing to do but talk with your family, sing or just look out […]
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Eating Mopane Worms
(Reis) My stomach lurches as if being tugged, as the rancid smell of Fried Mopane Worms reaches my nose. You may think “Why does he have a Mopane Worm?” Well if you really want to know, I was about to eat one. We pulled up to the cattle post and the stench of cow and […]
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Water: the Currency of Life
(Alex) There is 2 % of fresh water on the planet. Out of that, 69% is ice. 30% is ground water and 1% of that is available to us in rivers, lakes, ponds and marshes. Only 8% of the 1% of the available fresh water is used for all different kinds of domestic use. Mostly […]
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Lion Kill
(Andrew) Adrenaline pumped through my veins hearing the baboons’ alarm calls followed by zebras’. Many predators were the suspects of the crime; lions, a leopard and the rare chance of wild dogs. A lion was guilty of the noise. A single, solitary, hungry lioness was sulking around failing to catch prey. She had a big, […]
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Showing Their Strength
South Africa is a land struggling with hangovers. Apartheid and racism ripped the country apart just a few decades ago, now, as Mandela’s infectious optimism may be less present, South Africans are left to keep the flames of reconciliation and progress alive. Likewise, the World Cup was a source of pride and unification, but now […]
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Speed and Spots
August 18 — We spent the morning learning about and interacting with cheetahs at the Tenikwa Cheetah Sanctuary near Tsitsikammi Park in South Africa. The kid’s reactions are below: (Reis) Three things that come to mind when you think of cheetahs are Speed, Spots, and Super Predator. But what people don’t know is it’s not […]
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A Rhino Irony
(Greg) There are less than 2,000 black rhinos left on the planet. At a remote camp in Northwest Namibia – just south of the Angolan border – we had the rare chance to track and find one. The presence of a black rhino this far north was a surprise to the local staff as their […]
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Happiness in Sand and Goat Dung
(Dana) The village of Okangombezemba. Northwest Namibia. Outside of Purros, aka the middle of nowhere in this vast, sparsely populated country. Approximately 12,000 Himba people live in Namibia. Twenty years ago, 11,000 of those 12,000 lived traditionally — a nomadic, pre-written-history existence. Today, only 1,000 live this way. When we first arrive at the village, […]
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