Olympic Champion

(Alex) 1, 2, 3… GO!! Those were the words I heard from our guide Antony as we began our race in the first Olympic Stadium ever. First, we walked through the legendary arch and saw the completely empty stadium. Getting there at 8 means the sun was a golden color and there was absolutely no one there. Instead of seats there was grass for the spectators of the games, except for the few people of high authority back then. Finally we were off! I quickly took the lead with the other three trailing shortly behind. As I sprinted down the track (a 600 foot straight track) I thought to myself: ìIf I donít win this race, I am RUINED!î I mean how would you feel if you lost a race to your little siblings, and the results were going on-line? That would be BEYOND embarrassing!!

I looked quickly behind me and saw the other three catching up. I sprinted forward and saw two lines ahead of me. One was the finish line and one was something else. I later learned that it was the drainage system, but only after I slowed down thinking it was the end of the race. I was obviously wrong and kept sprinting forward. I finally made it! I was the champion! Emma, then Andrew and Reis (neck and neck) crossed the line really close behind.

We walked to the Temple of Zeus for the crowning of the champion with the Laurel of olive leaves. It was kind of awkward but in the end I was still the winner!! It was definitely a close race.

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