When we conjured this long itinerary, we wanted to ease into the dislocation we were likely to feel as our year proceeded. We started with Iceland’s wild outdoor adventures with the benefit of little jet lag and lots of English. We then purposefully moved to family time in Sweden, then on to Athens and its […]
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Lizard Tales and Chew Fish
One Fish, Two Fish, Fry Fish, Chew Fish (Guest correspondent Nicholas Spinale with Reis) “Greek salad, pork souvlaki, chicken souvlaki.” The waiter listed the menu items with a thick Greek accent. “Grilled chicken, grilled pork, fried potatoes,” nothing out of the ordinary until, “Fried sardines.” Now that was something new. As I thought about what […]
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Greece 10 – USA 1
(Emma) If you might think that your soccer team is good, come to Greece! Well even though not all of us Americans play soccer, we still got cremated. It was quite depressing. All of the Greek kids played,and as we saw, they play almost every day! As we approach the goal that we are trying […]
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A Saint With My Name
(Andrew) Today we had an exercise-full day in Nafplion, Greece. First we went to yet another breakfast buffet at our hotel. Then we went to Epidaurus. There we visited the best-preserved theater in the WORLD. There we took some pictures and a sketched the view. After that we went to a path so Alex could […]
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It’s More Than Ancient Rocks
(Reis) Around Greece from Athens to Delphi, Delphi to Olympia, and Olympia to Nafplion, where we are now. Along the way, learning and having fun with our guide, Antony At all the places, we learned about the ancient monuments and how they would be in antiquity. The way all of this was found out and […]
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The Trojan War in 1 Paragraph
(Reis) After the “For the Fairest” golden apple beauty contest, when Paris of Troy gave the apple to Aphrodite and she promised that any woman he fell in love with, would fall in love with him, it all went downhill from there. Athena and Hera were very mad at him for not picking them. Paris […]
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Olympic Champion
(Alex) 1, 2, 3… GO!! Those were the words I heard from our guide Antony as we began our race in the first Olympic Stadium ever. First, we walked through the legendary arch and saw the completely empty stadium. Getting there at 8 means the sun was a golden color and there was absolutely no […]
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Road Scholars
(Greg) It is 7:05 PM. A worse-than-Muzak Greek version of “For Your Eyes Only” is crackling over a single stereo speaker behind the bar and I am looking out at 4 students huddled around their teacher/mother in the hotel lobby teaching intransitive verbs and predicate nouns. I know those specifics only because I just asked. […]
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How ’bout dem peaches?
(Dana) Those who know me will find it extremely humorous that I wanted to write the post about cooking. But even a non-cook like me was in sensory heaven during our culinary day in Athens. Working with our guide Antony and his sweet wife Sam, we navigated the stalls of the local farmers market. (Fortunately, […]
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I Could Live Here
(Dana) For 3 years my sister and her family have lived in Stockholm. Now I get why. Even Greg said, “I could live here.” Granted, the sun was out for 19 hours/day and it was closer to 30-degrees C than the 3 degree darkness of January, but for us, it ís about the water. Stockholm […]
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