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Ode to Pho

Ode to Pho

Pho, you are my favorite noodle soup I shall eat you scoop by scoop Whenever I shall sag and droop Your good flavor helps me to recoup My favorite soup, your name is Pho I wish I’d met you long ago When I’m not with thee, you cause me woe When I slurp you, you […]

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Fish Eyeball Funky Foods

Andrew steps up in a little restaurant on an island off the coast of Da Nang, Viet Nam:

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Toro! Funky Foods Argentina

Toro! Funky Foods Argentina

We hung out all week in Buenos Aires with our good friends the Goulds. They taught us Spanish, showed us the city, took us to the premier of Harry Potter 7 with Spanish subtitles and introduced us to the “underside” of Argentine cuisine. See the video below for the yummy details:

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Eating Mopane Worms

Eating Mopane Worms

(Reis) My stomach lurches as if being tugged, as the rancid smell of Fried Mopane Worms reaches my nose. You may think “Why does he have a Mopane Worm?” Well if you really want to know, I was about to eat one. We pulled up to the cattle post and the stench of cow and […]

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Lizard Tales and Chew Fish

Lizard Tales and Chew Fish

One Fish, Two Fish, Fry Fish, Chew Fish (Guest correspondent Nicholas Spinale with Reis) “Greek salad, pork souvlaki, chicken souvlaki.” The waiter listed the menu items with a thick Greek accent. “Grilled chicken, grilled pork, fried potatoes,” nothing out of the ordinary until, “Fried sardines.” Now that was something new. As I thought about what […]

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How ’bout dem peaches?

How ’bout dem peaches?

(Dana) Those who know me will find it extremely humorous that I wanted to write the post about cooking. But even a non-cook like me was in sensory heaven during our culinary day in Athens. Working with our guide Antony and his sweet wife Sam, we navigated the stalls of the local farmers market. (Fortunately, […]

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Mysa Thirsty Funky Food

(Andrew) Today we were at a settlement museum in Borganes, Iceland. After learning about mysa (which is the bitter juice that is left over from milk and the vikings pickled stuff in it) and that the cafe up the stairs gave a complimentary taste, we went up to the cafe. Then we got the horrid […]

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Whale and…bread

Whale and…bread

(Emma) Today, during our first dinner of our trip I had something that had a well….. different taste. It was so different that you might even be able to consider it a FUNKY FOOD! We were at SAE GREIFINN. It was a sea food restaurant; and so we ordered sea food. One was minke whale! […]

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