(Andrew) On the 6explorers trip we try to mix education with adventures (edventures). We did an amazing job with that today when we went zip lining over a huge fort in Jodhpur, India. We drove one hour to Mehrangarh Fort from our Thakur’s house which has been converted into an authentic hotel. Before India’s Independence, […]
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The Belly of the Beast
(Greg) India is sensory explosion: the colors, smells and sounds smash together in a whirling chaos that is hypnotic, magnetic and, at times, frightening. A few of us were frightened yesterday. On our way to visit the great Muslim mosque in Old Delhi, we passed the Sunday Market. It was a mass of mostly men […]
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A Great Birthday Peasant
(Alex) The 14th of February 1997, 1:20 PM. I was born. “Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday Dear Alex, Happy Birthday to you!” is what I hear to wake me up. I jump out of bed excited for the day ahead of me. Today, we are learning how to be Vietnamese […]
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Organic Play-Doh
(Reis) Today we went to a village called Xuan La. In Xuan La there is a couple who specialize in making Tohe, a toy puppet-like sculpture made out of colored rice powder dough. On the way to this couple’s house, we walked through the village market. It was filled with fruits like dragon fruit, mango […]
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Biker Chick
(Emma) Our guide/friend, Seyha has a motor bike. There is a thing called a tuk tuk. It is a motor bike with a cart on the back. It holds up to 5 people. So 1 of us had to go on the back of the motor bike. Now it was my turn. I got on […]
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Sydney from the Sky
(Alex) Two of the main icons of Australia are the Sydney Harbor Bridge and the Sydney Opera House. At the same time, we had a pretty amazing experience of both. As the night sky starts to turn pink, we make our way to the base of the bridge. Stretching 503 meters and up to 143 […]
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The Great Barrier Reef
(Emma) All the fish swam around us like bees in a hive. All the colors of the coral pop out at us like balloons in the sky. We swim around in the 84F water. The warmth comes over me like a blanket on an icy day. All my senses get filled with the joy of […]
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Christmas Polar Plunge
(Emma) Christmas Day 2010. I am out looking at the hilarious Adelie penguins jumping in and out of the water. Then I hear faintly in the background “Did you know that today is the POLAR PLUNGE?” “OH NO!” I think. The polar plunge is when you jump into the freezing cold Antarctic waters, and get […]
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The Emperors of Cape Washington
(Alex) When most people think of Antarctica, they think about penguins. The iconic penguin of the 18 different species is probably the Emperor Penguin. After all, many people have seen the movies Happy Feet or March of the Penguins featuring the Emperor Penguins. I was fortunate to spend time with the real things! In Antarctica, […]
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The Dynamic Duo
(Andrew) On our epic Antarctic journey we saw 7 species of penguin (in order of appearance): Gentoo, Chinstrap, Adelie, Emperor, Royal, King and Rockhopper. This will cover two of those seven: the Adelie and the Gentoo. These are the cutest, in some ways, of the bunch. We saw Gentoo Penguins in Neko Harbor, the scene […]
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